The Home Energy Assistance Program’s 2016-17 Winter Crisis Program will begin November 1, 2016. To receive assistance the household must be at or below 175 percent of the Federal Poverty guidelines as follows: Household Size & 12 Month Income, 1- $20,790, 2- $28,035, 3- $35,280, 4- $42,525, 5- $49,770, 6- $57,015. The applicant must also have a disconnect notice or have 25% or less of bulk fuel. Applicants will need to bring: Proof of household income for the past 3 months or 12 months, social security numbers and birth certificates for all household members, identification, and heating/electric bills. For more information, call 937-382-1234 or visit Community Action at 789 N Nelson Ave., Wilmington, Ohio. Office hours Monday thru Friday, 8:00 am – 3:00 pm.